Little girl coloring at a table (purple overlay)
National Home Visiting Summit

Call for Proposal

July 24 - September 22, 2023

The call for proposal for the 2024 National Home Visiting Summit is closed.

The 2024 National Home Visiting Summit seeks proposals addressing systems change work within the home visiting field and early childhood system of care. The proposal should demonstrate a clear connection to the conference’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) that advances the home visiting field and connected systems of care through innovations, diverse perspectives, and a focus on impact. The centering of parent/caregiver and provider voice, as well as the voices, ideas, innovations, and solutions of those who have been historically marginalized and underinvested in, will be elevated and prioritized during the Summit. Proposals should have clear learning objectives, specific strategies for engagement, and relevance for the Summit audience.

Acceptance notifications will be sent to submitting authors by early November. Please note that due to the high volume of proposals, we cannot provide feedback for each submission. Authors interested in receiving feedback are encouraged to email the Summit planning team. The review team will do its best to accommodate all requests for feedback.

Important Dates

The call for proposal for the 2024 National Home Visiting Summit is closed. Accept/decline notifications will be sent to the submitting authors by November 8, 2023.

National Home Visiting Summit

Conference Dates & Mission

Call for Proposal Announcement  
The 2024 National Home Visiting Summit is back in person this year! The Summit will be held via a hybrid in-person/virtual format at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C., from January 31-February 2, 2024. To engage with as many home visiting advocates, practitioners, researchers, parents, and state/federal/local systems leaders as possible, we are offering both in-person and virtual registration.

Summit Mission: The National Home Visiting Summit aims to integrate policy, practice, and research to influence systems change, with the goal of advancing equitable and high-quality home visiting services, structures, and systems. Learning, collaboration, and knowledge-to-practice transfer at the Summit are meant to advance home visiting as a critical component of the early childhood system.


The Summit is designed for state and federal administrative and legislative systems leaders, federal, state, and local policy advocates, researchers, program and practice leaders, direct service providers, parents/caregivers and philanthropic partners interested in information that supports and strengthens their role as decision-makers and change agents in the home visiting field. Accordingly, each session is an important opportunity for speakers to engage leaders on the most pressing and innovative issues concerning the field today.

Conference Commitment

Conference Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB): Justice demands we take the necessary steps to reimagine and begin to create systems to ensure that every person has fair conditions, support, and agency to live free of oppression, with humanity and joy. The home visiting field is in a necessary and ongoing period of grappling with and addressing the deep economic, social, and racial disparities that exist in the United States. As a leader in home visiting, the Summit invites you, through work in policy, practice, and research, to change the systems on which these inequities were built.

Resources include:

2024 Focus Areas

  • Systems, policies, and conditions needed to enable better connection and community 
  • Learning from families: building networks within and beyond HV programs
  • Learning from home visitors: workforce well-being, preparation, representation of communities served
  • Building a system of care (SOC)
  • Systems- and policy-level changes to “rewrite” the home visiting narrative
  • Home visiting “marketing and communications”
  • Data systems and practices that work for home visitors
  • Using data to impact policy and advocacy
  • Advocacy building for parents and home visitors
  • Parent and community voice in outcomes building and data collection
  • Data systems and practices that work for home visitors
  • “Going to scale:” systems, policies, and practices that increase reach of home visiting services
  • State-wide investments in enhancing systems with universal home visiting
  • Understanding and implementing community-designed programs
  • Systems and policies that promote workforce well-being
  • Measuring successes and challenges of innovation at a community, state, federal level
  • Child Welfare; Public Health; Healthcare; Early Intervention/Parenting Education
  • Successful partnership between HV and other family-focused systems
  • Policies put into action
  • Health equity in federal programs
  • Unique/innovative funding models
  • Leveraging federal, state, and local funding 

Selection Criteria & Requirements


  1. Contribute to and be a catalyst for field-building investments to design and strengthen the systems and infrastructure needed to ensure equitable ongoing program quality and to facilitate the commitment of increased public and private investments over time.
  2. Provide leaders in the home visiting field and connected systems of care with a national forum for the exchange of best practices, emerging concepts and lessons learned across systems, states and models on the most relevant topics, adaptations and emerging challenges facing the home visiting field.
  3. Promote and highlight issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging with an emphasis on re-creating systems to ensure that all children and families are supported fairly and equally.
  4. Facilitate building strong national partnerships with local, state and national leaders to increase systems influence and inform policy nationwide.

Guiding Criteria

The 2024 National Home Visiting Summit steering committee, comprised of thought leaders from the home visiting and early childhood field, has worked collaboratively with conference organizers to inform the development of the conference DEIB commitment, content areas of focus, and selection criteria. As a result, the steering committee and conference organizers will use the following framework for selecting proposals.

Proposals addressing key areas of focus for the 2024 Summit that include representation of parent/caregiver and provider voice and address topics impacting historically marginalized people will be prioritized. Please provide specific examples when drafting your proposal.

  • The session content and speakers promote inclusion and diversity within the context of the presentation and broader home visiting field. Proposals should speak directly to issues of DEIB when possible. Please provide specific examples when submitting.
  • The session provides relevant and innovative content. Preference is given to presentations that align with the systems change/field-building vision of the Summit by highlighting important issues surrounding systems building, innovative or field-advancing practice(s), and creative/unique collaborations and partnerships.
  • The session engages attendees in the learning and discovery process by actively facilitating participant involvement. Speakers must provide perspective and insight through dialogue, storytelling, case studies, lessons learned, etc. Accepted proposals will include examples of how speakers plan to engage attendees throughout the session.
  • Participants are provided with multiple strategies that expand thinking and can be applied to practice.
  • To create space for all voices to be shared at the Summit, we will consider the number of sessions on the agenda with the same speakers and organizations represented. We encourage prospective speakers to consider ways to elevate partners, providers, parents/caregivers, and colleagues into speaking roles when deciding to submit a proposal.

Spanish Translation and Interpretation
For the 2024 Summit, Spanish translation and interpretation services will be provided for on-demand recorded sessions, plenary session livestream, and poster sessions. The conference organizer will provide translation support upon request. Additional information will be shared with selected speakers. Please email your questions to

Coordination with the 2024 MIECHV All-Grantee Meeting
Start Early is pleased to collaborate with HRSA to offer the Summit in coordination with the 2024 Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program’s All-Grantee Meeting (MIECHV AGM), which is scheduled for January 29-January 31, 2024, in Washington, DC. These two events will bring together leaders across the home visiting field to prioritize early childhood systems coordination, address equity in communities, and expand the reach of home visiting through innovative funding strategies. The call for abstracts for the 2024 MIECHV AGM will open during the last week of June. Abstract reviews will be coordinated to best meet the shared goals of both events.


Travel and Registration for Home Visiting Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers engaged in home visiting services participating as speakers at the Summit will receive the following to support participation:

  • Complimentary registration
  • Complimentary accommodations at the meeting location for two nights (Jan. 31 – Feb. 2)
  • Flight or ground transportation reimbursement
  • Daily Stipend and childcare award
  • Honorarium $450

Speaker Registration Rates

Workshop Speaker (Presenting Live in Washington D.C.)  $399
Poster Presenter (Presenting Live in Washington, D.C.) $399
On-Demand Speaker (Pre-recorded session, attending virtually, not traveling to Washington D.C.) $199

Presenting at the Conference

The 2024 National Home Visiting Summit will offer both in-person and virtual engagement opportunities for attendees and speakers. Approximately 25% of live workshops will be offered in both an in-person and virtual streaming format, and pre-recorded session content via on-demand and poster sessions will also be offered as a virtual option. Please reference the Session Format chart which provides the list of in-person and virtual session formats.

View Chart

Session Formats

Workshop Session

Session Length: 60 minutes
Delivery Method: Live (in-person format); select sessions will also be streamed virtually
Session Description: Explore topics of common interest using innovative, thought-provoking content blended with audience participation. Presenters act as content leaders, presenting short segments of content and then leading engaging activities, group discussions, and participant reflection on how to apply knowledge to practice.Attendees participating in person will engage via opportunities for Q&A and small-group discussion.

Attendees participating virtually will engage via live chat, polling, and Q&A.  Successful proposals will clearly state the attendee engagement strategies used in the workshop session.

Workshop speakers are required to present in person at the conference. Joining virtually to present will be made available to those with extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the conference planning team. You will be asked to declare your availability during the abstract submission process.

Poster Presentation

Session Length: 90 minutes (live)
Delivery Method: Live (in-person format);Poster session will also be available via On-Demand format

Each poster team will receive an in-person booth to host their poster and associated materials. Guidance for recommended printed poster size will be provided. Conference participants engaging in person will have the opportunity to walk around the poster session and engage directly with speakers for Q&A. Poster teams will upload their poster files and materials digitally to the conference website for virtual attendees.

On-demand engagement with attendees will be a question and answer via the conference website/mobile app. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to engage attendees directly 1-on-1 by scheduling 5-10-minute meetings with presenters via the conference website. Presenters are welcome to opt-out of the opportunity.

On-demand recording of your poster presentation: Presenters interested in recording a 2-5-minute video explaining their poster for virtual attendees are required to meet the conference standard for pre-recorded content requiring English and Spanish transcripts and closed captioning in both English and Spanish for your video. The conference organizer will provide these services for your team to make this possible.

Poster translation to Spanish:
All posters uploaded to the conference website will be translated into Spanish. Speakers requesting support must submit their posters well in advance of the Summit. Dates and directions will be shared upon acceptance.

Partnering with the Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative:
The Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC) has partnered with Start Early and the National Home Visiting Summit for many years. This year, in a continuation of our partnership, HARC will collaborate with the Summit team to support featuring posters related to research in home visiting. The proposal review committee in partnership with HARC will give special consideration to abstracts led by early career scholars, especially those who are members of underrepresented groups. HARC will offer a travel award to cover meeting registration and hotel accommodation (two-nights) for up to three scholars who are at the undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level or up to 5 years post-terminal degree (master’s or PhD). If you have any questions or would like any assistance from the HARC Coordinating Center in preparing your abstract, please reach out to


Session Length: 5-20 minutes
Delivery Method: On-demand
Session Description: 5-20-minute pre-recorded presentation on key issues/questions facing the field. On-demand recordings can also focus on sharing a single resource, strategy, or innovation.

To make recordings more accessible, English and Spanish closed captioning are required for all recordings. The conference organizer will provide technical assistance to all teams needing support. Please note the conference organizer will provide translation services when needed.
Speakers recording on-demand content have three options:

  1. Record with us: Speakers will present virtually with a professional production company during the middle of December and the first week of January. The production company will handle all transcripts and captioning details.
  2. Record on your own and submit for captioning/transcript services: Speaking teams selecting this option must submit final recordings to the conference organizer four weeks before the conference. We cannot guarantee recordings submitted after the established deadline will be available at the start of the conference. Details on file type/transfer method will be provided at the time of acceptance.
  3. Create a final video: Speaking teams that choose this option will submit final edited videos, including English and Spanish closed captioning.

*Speaking teams are strongly encouraged to record virtually with our production partners to further professionalize and ensure quality for the on-demand recordings offered at the Summit.

Teams will be asked to confirm the recording method when accepted.

Help Me Decide

Session Length: N/A
Delivery Method: N/A
Session Description: Submit your presentation idea and work with the conference organizer on determining the best format for your session.

Speaker & Session Requirements

  • The Summit encourages presenters to consider limiting speaking teams to 3-4 individuals. In circumstances where the speaker team is more than 3-4 individuals, in your proposal, please describe the purpose for including the larger speaker team and how everyone will be incorporated into the presentation.
  • Speakers presenting live must commit to presenting on January 31-February 2, 2024. The conference organizer will assign session times in November. Speakers should plan to present in person in Washington, D.C. Joining virtually to present is discouraged. You will be asked to declare your availability during the abstract submission process.
  • All accepted speakers are required to complete Start Early’s speaker agreement form.
  • All presenters in workshop sessions must attend a planning meeting with the conference organizing team to review logistics, virtual streaming (as applicable), content, and field questions.
  • The conference organizer plans for approximately 650-725 in-person attendees and up to 1000 virtual attendees.
  • For virtual streamed sessions: there are no capacity limits for attendees joining virtually streamed sessions.
  • All speakers attending the conference in-person will receive a discounted registration fee of $399. On-demand only speakers who will not travel in-person will receive a discounted registration fee of $199.

Submission Process

Submission Process

The submission process utilizes an online abstract management website powered by Cvent. The submitting author will create a username and password for the website, upload speaker bios/headshots, and complete the questions for the speaking team. The abstract management website allows you to save your progress and return to the website to complete/edit your proposal. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your proposal. A Start Early planning team member will contact you with a decision November 2023.

Bios & Headshots

The conference organizer requires all speakers to provide bios, with the option to include headshots when submitting their proposals. The information provided during the proposal process will be used to create your session’s agenda and website content.

Abstract submission questions

To view the abstract submission questions, click here. Please note this document is for reference only. All submissions must be completed online.

Call for Proposal Frequently Asked Questions

The questions asked during the review process can be viewed by clicking the link below.

View Questions

No, you may save your draft and return to it.

The submission portal will be open through September 22, 2023. Changes to your presentation can be made up until the deadline. Changes after the deadline will not be accepted. Teams with speaker updates are encouraged to submit those via email to   

Email Our Team

Once you have submitted your proposal you will receive a confirmation email.

Due to the high volume of proposals, we cannot provide feedback for each submission. Authors interested in receiving feedback are encouraged to email the Summit planning team individually. The review team will do its best to accommodate your request.